Philadelphia Youth Regatta | July 20, 2024
The preliminary schedule for #PYR2024 is Here. Note that some additional changes may occur through Thursday.
The Race Day Schedule is now posted at
You can access it by clicking HERE.
A (brief) Coaches & Coxswains Meeting was held on July 21st at 7 pm. Click HERE for the recording and HERE for the slides.
Dashes are approx 1/4 mile.
Preparation for Stakeboats and Starting Tower Platform
Novice and U14 Events
You asked…and we listened. Given numerous requests for Novice events, we have kept multiple flights for both Boys and Girls Singles and Quads. Similar to the Novice 4x event, the Novice 1x races will be 1000m. We have also expanded U14 racing to include both Boys and Girls U14 4x’s. DEFINITION OF A NOVICE. For PYR 24, a Novice shall be any athlete who did not compete in a rowing race PRIOR to January 1. Please note that this excludes from the Novice category any sweep rower who raced prior to January 1 but is sculling for the first time this summer. The Novice categories are intended for those athletes new to racing within this calendar year. In addition, all U14 athletes may race in Novice events, regardless of prior experience.
PYR Countdown